Act IV, Scene I

- what wizardry is this!? svn supports symlinks?

A dark Filesystem. In the middle, a Repository boiling. Thunder.
                Enter the three Programmers.
       1 PROGRAMMER.  Thrice the padded buf hath oe'r runn'd.
       2 PROGRAMMER Thrice and once, the platter spun.
       3 PROGRAMMER Hexate cries:—'tis time! 'tis time!
       1 PROGRAMMER Round about the repo go;
    In spaghetti'd source code throw.—
    Functors, that on blackest ARM,
    Caused a user grievous harm;
    Refactor'd business logic got,
    Compile first i' the charmed pot!
       ALL.  Double, double toil and trouble;
    Cycles burn, and repo bubble.
       2 PROGRAMMER Mock-up of an inode struct,
    In the repo run amock;
    Superblock, corrupt extent,
    File flat, and file bent,
    Meta data, magic prop,
    B-tree hash, and sign that's dropped,—
    For VCS of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
       ALL.  Double, double toil and trouble;
    Cycles burn, and repo bubble.
       3 PROGRAMMER Shard of cluster; meg of RAM;
    ASIC ripped from Don Knuth's pram;
    Recursive matrix transform hack;
    Toggle switch that won't switch back;
    Heap address that ain't been writ,
    Yet has a quine contained in it;
    NSA encryption key;
    Source code for an AI bee;
    Lambda of Alonzo Church
    Found by Turing's A* search;—
    Document this noxious gruel
    With Microsoft's new WinWord tool.
       ALL.  Double, double toil and trouble;
    Cycles burn, and repo bubble.
       2 PROGRAMMER Cool it with a peltier,
    Then the code can ship, hooray!

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